Many things in the world have 2 sides to them. We usually call them pros/cons, advantages/disadvantages, etc. Often times we put things on 1 side of the scale instead of giving them a fair score.
I used to look at Twitter as a complete waste of internet space, and people abuse it by over-tweeting and tweet to the world everything they are doing at every minute. Garbage in, garbage out, sooner or later my Twitter page will be flooded with useless status messages and becomes a complete waste of time reading through them..
Well, there ARE better uses for Twitter. After talking to a few people, I realized that Twitter might be a good channel for getting the news and headlines that you are interested in. Twitter platform allows all the "news" tweets to be presented in a clean layout, and I can simply glance through to get my 5-minutes morning news feed. I have yet to compare the versatility of using Twitter versus what I am doing right now using Google Reader, so I will need to try it out and see. But this definitely changed my view on Twitter in general.
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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
我覺得很不錯吃. 我們點了 排骨飯, 蚵仔煎, 麻油炒腰花
這樣的梅花三弄也能擺的滿滿一大桌哪.... (因為桌子小嘛)
味道都有到, 我們一開始還有些懷疑那個蚵仔煎會不會道地? 結果那個醬滿成功的, 料本身也不賴. 腰花好吃, 排骨飯的排骨可能沒有萬家鄉的雞排好吃, 我覺得... 但是也很不錯了.
這樣狼吞虎嚥完了也才 $20, 然後看客人不斷的來, 生意還真不錯啊. 下次再來點那個每一桌都有點的筒仔米糕!
附帶一提的是其中一個服務生媽媽桑講話喜歡帶點兒不太標準的洋文, 聽起來就很好笑...
陳媽媽家 (一間附近灣區新開的台灣小吃店).....
我覺得很不錯吃. 我們點了 排骨飯, 蚵仔煎, 麻油炒腰花
這樣的梅花三弄也能擺的滿滿一大桌哪.... (因為桌子小嘛)
味道都有到, 我們一開始還有些懷疑那個蚵仔煎會不會道地? 結果那個醬滿成功的, 料本身也不賴. 腰花好吃, 排骨飯的排骨可能沒有萬家鄉的雞排好吃, 我覺得... 但是也很不錯了.
這樣狼吞虎嚥完了也才 $20, 然後看客人不斷的來, 生意還真不錯啊. 下次再來點那個每一桌都有點的筒仔米糕!
附帶一提的是其中一個服務生媽媽桑講話喜歡帶點兒不太標準的洋文, 聽起來就很好笑...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
錦衣衛是個什麼大爛片啊?! 甄子丹你也幫幫忙!
昨晚看了甄子丹主演的"錦衣衛". 實在是有種 "又被騙了" 的感覺. 自從上次看了 "刺陵" 後就覺得很多的華人動作片實在是變成了搞笑片. 周杰倫跟林志玲那個失敗的組合還有編劇實在是被九把刀寫的很貼切. (請參照這兒) 那個我就不多說了, 但是我看"錦衣衛"時越看越覺得很多雷同的感覺.
天啊, 編劇是一夥的嗎? "刺陵"裡有個劉畊宏的角色叫"星期五", "錦衣衛"
裡有個叫 "法王" 的傢伙 (是陳觀泰演的, 這也是後來我去網站找才知道這個角色的名字),人家群架打一打他就突然從棺材裡飛出來打. 幾乎什麼也沒交代就結束了這個客串的角色, 入場跟出場的 style 真是同出一辙.
這個角色我甚至找不到照片, 只好胡亂抓個他以前的照片濫竽充數一下
裡頭還讓甄子丹出來個 "青龍出浴" 露個肌肉. 電影裡真功夫打的馬馬虎虎, 現肌肉倒是很賣力!
錦衣衛用的武器叫 "大明十四勢". 這個武器剛聽起來還滿屌的, 長方形盒子裡有十四把刀. 可是居然還可以當蝙蝠俠的 utility belt 那樣使用, 機關無限, 太扯了.
吳尊在裡頭的造型不賴. 不過既然甄子丹露了許多肌肉, 那這個當紅偶像飛輪海成員也不能落人後, 除了一直露腹肌之外, 打鬥時受了一點刮傷就馬上來個特寫鏡頭把腹肌那邊 bandage 起來.
總而言之, 劇情非常普通, 打鬥場面很多都是剪接而成, 都不是一個 take 打個十幾個動作那樣看的比較爽. 拍攝手法也很讓人搞不清楚狀況. 雖然我不是學電影的, 但是我也看的出來拍攝跟剪接都是非常的草率. 還有那個特效也很陽春. 很可惜啊甄子丹你接了這部爛戲. 你在別的戲裡面的打鬥場面都比這個精采很多啊!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
前陣子買了一支 TaylorMade 2009 Rescue TP Hybrid 球桿. 打算現在好天氣的打球季節來臨前練一練.
這球桿還真是不錯打. 雖然我已經好幾個月沒打了, 揮了一陣子就上手了. 果真 sweetspot 大, 打起來手感佳.
不過我真的還是需要常常上 練習場 練我的揮桿. 一些之前好不容易有的 feel 跟姿勢都會忘掉. 每次朋友找打球也都怕怕的很擔心會出醜. 看到小胖, Allen 等 都打的很不錯讓我覺得很對不起我的球桿 (哈哈)
這球桿還真是不錯打. 雖然我已經好幾個月沒打了, 揮了一陣子就上手了. 果真 sweetspot 大, 打起來手感佳.
不過我真的還是需要常常上 練習場 練我的揮桿. 一些之前好不容易有的 feel 跟姿勢都會忘掉. 每次朋友找打球也都怕怕的很擔心會出醜. 看到小胖, Allen 等 都打的很不錯讓我覺得很對不起我的球桿 (哈哈)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro
Ever since I got into guitar, I started paying attention to string instruments performances on Youtube, Facebook, etc. A while ago I stomped across this Ukulele artist Jake Shimabukuro, and his performance blew my mind. He does things on ukulele that I could never possibly imagine, and his style is pretty versatile: jazz, flamenco, rock, etc. He reminds me of Yo-Yo Ma, who got so good at Cello playing, that he basically pioneered the instrument into a more mainstream, solo instrument instead of the "niche" role in a big orchestra.
You should definitely check out some of Jake's performances, they are simply amazing.
I also saw this little 5-year-old boy playing ukulele with a big passion and it is just so much fun to watch! Check it out!
little boy playing "I'm Yours"
little boy being a true rock star!
You should definitely check out some of Jake's performances, they are simply amazing.
I also saw this little 5-year-old boy playing ukulele with a big passion and it is just so much fun to watch! Check it out!
little boy playing "I'm Yours"
little boy being a true rock star!
I think Windows Live Space is pretty limited in terms of functions and user interface. Therefore I will eventually move my blog (old site here) to here. After reading through 毫門 I already sensed many possibilities that Blogger has to offer.
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